For two days last week I talked to runners at the LA Marathon. The setting was the marathon’s Expo at the huge LA Convention Center. I gave two seminars on foot care tips for marthoners, walked the aisles, and talked to people at the Zombie Runner’s booth. The hall was packed and at times it was hard to tell who was going to walk or run the marathon and who was just there to pick up free goodies.
At any rate, I talked to many people who seemed to be well prepared. They knew about blisters and what kind of socks to wear. They either had experience or were smart enough to want to learn more. Others seemed unconcerned or unprepared.
The main question was, “Are your feet prepared?” I handed out a half page of tips. Here are the tips. They easily can be applied to anyone running or walking a marathon, or doing any similar event. Are they magic? No. But many people, even athletes, seem to forget the common sense tips that can make their marathon a better experience.
Before the Race
• Toenails too long catches on socks – trim them short.
• Then file toenails smooth.
• Use a nail file to smooth calluses.
• Clean out lint and junk from inside shoes.
• Check your shoelaces and replace if frayed.
Race Morning
• Apply a layer of your favorite lubricant or powder.
• Smooth your socks around your feet.
• Avoid tying laces too tight.
During the Race
• If you feel a hot spot: apply a pad, a bit of tape, a dab of lubricant, or an energy wrapper between your sock and shoe.
• Loosen shoelaces if you have pain on the top of your foot.
After the Race
• Drain blisters only if they are in a pressure area.
• If you have blisters, soak your feet in Epson salts and warm water three times a day.
• Trim edges of loose skin around blisters.
• If feet are swollen, elevate and ice.