If you are into Vibram FiveFingers or any of the new minimalist shoes, you owe it to yourself to check out the website BirthdayShoes.com.
I consider BirthdayShoes to be the best informational website on the subject. It is very up-to-date as new shoes are released. In the month of March alone, they reviewed the:
- Nike Zoom Waffle Racer IV
- Merrell BarefootTrail Glove
- Vibram FiveFingers TrekSport
- New Balance NB Minimus
- Fila Skele-Toes Four Toed Shoes
While the main focus is on FiveFingers, they are fair in their reviews. The “Guides” section offers a wealth of information on resources, reviews, how to’s, frequently asked questions, and modifications and repairs.
If you wear FiveFingers, are thinking about getting a pair, or are interested in minimalist shoes, BirthdayShoes.com is a website to bookmark.