I would like to challenge you to do one thing for your feet. Nothing
drastic. It doesn’t even have to cost anything–and if it does–it’ll
be cheap. Since you know your feet better than I do, you’ll have to
pick the one thing. First, take off your shoes and socks. Secondly,
take a good look at your feet. Run your hands over your feet, between
the toes, and feel the skin–especially on the heels and balls of your
feet. Do you feel any thickened skin or calluses? Is the skin dry? Is
it soft and supple or hardened? Are there cracks in the skin or between
your toes? Feel your toenails and see how long the nails are. Look for
cracked nails. Are there any signs of thickened or discolored nails?
Are they strong or crumbly?
Not wanting to complicate this, I’ll give you four choices. So, depending on what you find, either
- Use a moisturizing cream for healthier skin.
- Use a callus reducing cream on those problem areas. (Value your calluses? We’ll address that in the future).
- Trim and file your nails smooth. (Don’t know how? We’ll talk about that in the future too).
- If you have thickened, flaky or crumbly toenails, see a podiatrist – nail fungus is a bad thing. (Not sure how to tell? That too will be talked about in the future).
Now, I’ll bet you’re not happy I told you to do things that maybe you don’t know how to do. Well, Rome wasn’t build in a day and fixing your feet is not an instant fix either. I want you to start thinking "foot care" as part of your daily routine. Since I am a firm believer in good foot care, these will be some of the first topics we will discuss in the blog. Stay tuned for more.