As you may recall, several weeks ago I helped at Western States and patched a bunch of feet. Afterwards I listed 10 items that I had observed and wanted to share with my readers. The first was Trail Shoes – The Good and the Bad. The second was Socks – Good, Bad and Ugly.
Then earlier this week, I was in Death Valley for the Badwater Ultramarathon – a grueling 135-mile run through extreme heat and fatigue. Because feet are what I do and what I see I came home with more observations – 10 in fact. So over the next couple of months, I will share what I saw and how it affects you as an athlete.
First though, I want to take a moment and acknowledge Denise Jones, the Blister Queen of Badwater. Denise is a close friend and I value her expertise in taping feet and patching blisters. She pretaped several runners at Badwater and is dedicated to the runners. When we talk, it’s always about feet and we bounce ideas off each other. Denise is a true class act. One of the fun aspects of Badwater is working with Denise. Thanks Denise. [Death Valley Ultras: The Complete Crewing Guide by Denise Jones and Theresa Daus-Weber is available at].
So, let’s start with a biggie, aftercare. This means the care that your feet need after an event like Western States, Badwater, or any extreme event. I have seen runners at both events that have not planned to manage their feet after the race. Healing the trauma starts at the finish line.
This is a two-part tip. First, whether you are traveling to an event or it’s close to home, I want you to add an item to your foot care bag. Epson Salts. They can be found in drug stores and pharmacies for about $3.00 for 48 ounces.

Epson Salts are great for soaking your feet to dry blisters and relieve the pain of bruises and sprains. Simply add a cup of the salts to a basin of warm/hot water and soak your tired feet for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat this at least twice a day. As the skin of lanced blisters dries, trim it off.
The soaking will also speed up the process of re-absorption of fluids in intact blisters and help to reduce any swelling in your feet and toes. This means your feet will feel better and pain will be reduced.
If you have another race or event within a week or two, the use of Epson salts will speed up your healing process. Every time I patch someone’s feet after an event, I tell them about Epson salts.
Secondly, make sure you have a pair of sandals, flip-flops, or Crocs to wear home. It’s no fun having to wear the stinky dirty shoes you ran in. Plus you can’t air your feet in shoes. You don’t need socks and shoes after a race. Find a comfortable pair of lightweight sandals or Crocs, or even flip-flops and pack them in your bag. We cut the toes out of a good pair of shoes for one runner at Badwater because he forgot this simple tip.
That’s my two simple tips for today. Add Epson salts and sandals to your foot care bag for after the race.