How about being nice to your feet this Christmas and giving them a gift. In fact, be nice to a freind and give them a gift for happy feet. Here are a few suggestions. These can easily be found through a Google search—but many of the items are available at (marked with an *).
A copy of the 4th edition of Fixing Your Feet: Prevention and Treatments for Athletes. If you have the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd edition – you are out of date.
A copy of my Happy Feet booklet. A short 36 page booklet for those who don’t need the full book.
* A tube of Hydropel – Hydropel is especially good at controlling moisture and maceration. Used by many adventure racers and ultrarunners.
* A tube of BodyGlide
* A container of BlisterShield Powder or Roll-On
* A pair of Injinji Tetrasok socks with Nuwool – These toe socks are popular with many runners, ultrarunners and adventure racers.
A pair of Smartwool socks
* A pair of ecologically safe Teco Ecopoly or EcoMerino wool socks. These socks are made by a compamy that walks the walk of eco-friendly products.
A pair of Dirty Girl gaiters. Lightweight gaiters made in a multiude of patterns and colors. Unisex.
* A pack of Engo Blister Prevention Patches
* A pack of Spenco Blister Pads
* A pack of Spenco QuikStik Adhesive Blister Dressings
* A container of Zeasorb Super Absorbent powder. My favorite foot powder.
A callus file from your local drug store. Use every few days to control those pasky calluses.
A good nail file, not the throw away kind, from your local drug store
* A few rolls of Kinesio-Tex tape. This tape is quickly becoming the tape of choice for foot taping.
A pair ShockDoctor insoles
* A pair of SofSole heat moldable insoles. Pop them in the oven to heat, stand on them to mold, and they fit your feet.
* A gift certificate from