I’d bet some of you are laughing. New Year’s resolutions for your feet! He must be nuts. Actually, I’m quite serious. Most resolutions people make have to do with something they find enjoyable or to change something that bothers them. I am going to assume that when you walk, run, hike, or participate in any sporting type activity, your purpose is to have a good time. If that’s true, then I’m sure you’d agree that when your feet are healthy and happy, it is easier for things to go right.
So, let’s list a few things that are common feet problems. Here are what I call the top 10 issues people have with their feet:
1. Blisters
2. Ingrown toenails
3. Athlete’s foot
4. Plantar fasciitis
5. Black toenails
6. Achilles’ tendonitis
7. Calluses
8. Corns
9. Bunions
10. Toenail fungus
Each of these can be bothersome—but they can be resolved—often very easily. In today’s information age, we are inundated with solutions to everyday problems. Some of these 10 can be managed with creams or ointments. Others will take a bit of effort to find the right solution. The important thing is to know there are solutions. Your feet don’t have to hurt, itch, or throb.
So, take a moment and write down one New Year’s resolution for your feet. This is the first step in making a solution happen. If you want to share your resolution or make a comment, feel free to send me an email. In the days ahead, we’ll tackle some of these common problems. Until then, I wish you a happy New Year.